Sunday, November 27, 2011

8th Week of Mail

This week is so awesome and have to send a lot of Christmas greetings.  Here's my contribution for the week.  Since I made a lot of friends in Malaysia, so most of the cards going out are flying to Malaysia.

This card is going to my friend who is having her birthday on December 5.

Going to my friends in Malaysia. :)

Going to Malaysia and Philippines!

Going to Malaysia as well :)

One is for a random act of kindness and going to the USA and the other one going to Malaysia again :-D

And the above card is my hello card going to Russia.

And this is my birthday card for my niece who is turning 5 on December 20. 

And here are my postcrossing cards:

And my letters to my friends. One going to Netherlands, other one to Australia.

One of this letter goes to USA and the other one, Ukraine.

This is a record breaking week for me. I thank this project because it helps me so much to become less stressful and this became a therapy for me. Not only that, this project helps me more to think about others.

Happy Writing!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

7th Week of Mail

Yay!!! we are on the 7th week of the challenge.  This week, I started sending my Christmas cards to my aunt in Australia, to my long time penpal in Netherlands.  I also sent my sister a fashionista card for her birthday on the 11th of December.

I have a few postcards to send for postcrossing. 

The bottom left is my first art card.. yay!! :) Hope she would like it. :)
And here are my other art cards going to my new pals. :) 

And these four mails will go to my new pals!!! :) Long live snail mail!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

6th week of mails

Yay.. we are on the sixth week of this project. :) Here are my contributions for this week. I have a new penpal from Trinidad and Tobago and that floral envelope is for her. :)  and the rest of the postcards going to random places through Postcrossing.

And I have started sending my Christmas cards this week to a place I knew where it would take some time for the card to reach its destination.

This card is going to Manila. :) My birthday card for my loving lola (Granny).

These cards are going to random places through postcrossing -

Monday, November 7, 2011

5th Week of Mail

Yay, its the 5th week of this project.  This week, I will be sending two postcards through and a snail mail.  I got the address through  Hope she would write me back :)  The other three envelopes, I don't think they count. Lol. The first envelope is a farewell card from me and my teammates to a colleague, the other mail contains river cruise tickets I gave away for a friend and the last one is a photo a client requested. :)

Apologies for the poor quality of photo, I just got it from my iphone. :-P

Saturday, November 5, 2011

4th week of mail - Received

This week I received a postcard from Postcrossing.. yay!!! Its also in my other blogspot :) 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

4th week of mail

This week I have sent only postcards to the Netherlands and Germany via Postcrossing.  

I got these cards the last time I visited Universal Studios Singapore when my family came over here for holidays. :) Hope the person I have sent this card would like this one.